Eligibility Requirements
- Must have a breast health concern
- Must be low income
- Must have income equal or less than 250% above the Federal Poverty Guidelines
- Must be uninsured or underinsured (Provide Proof)
- Must live in and be a resident of North Texas in counties where funding and providers are available
- Cancer must be stage 3 or less and no distant metastasis
If you think you may qualify for services, call 214-821-3820 for a pre-screening.
If you qualify, you will be directed as to which forms to download and complete.
During the intake process, The Bridge Breast Network will determine if each potential client meets our guidelines and if the program can assist them. If a potential client qualifies for Medicaid, the case manager assists the client with the application process. Case managers assist Dallas and Tarrant County residents with applications for charity care at the appropriate county hospital. If the potential client does not qualify for 100% charity care at the county hospitals, and funding permits, they are treated through The Bridge.
The Bridge evaluates services on a case-by-case basis.