The Bridge Breast Network

The Latest
Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer
It is important to be very familiar with how your breasts look and feel, and to be aware of any changes in your breasts. Annual screenings are critical to breast cancer detection, but studies show that 40% of women with breast cancer discovered their tumors themselves. Many women often notice early signs of breast cancer […]
Inflammatory Breast Cancer: the “Silent Killer”
Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) is a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer in need of increased awareness. IBC accounts for only 1-5% of all breast cancers, and it differs from other types of breast cancer in symptoms, outlook, and treatment. It is termed the “silent killer” because it tends to grow and spread quickly, […]
What you should bring to your chemotherapy session
Whenever you go through chemotherapy, you can be assured your health team will make sure your physical comfort is a priority. There will be medications that will be provided to help your side effects. Nurses will be sure to check on you often to make sure you are okay. Chemotherapy infusion side effects varies from patients […]
Our Wish List
Help build a bridge by donating one or more of the following items: Office Supplies: White copy paper Note cards Post-It notes (any size) Envelopes (any size, any color) Forever stamps Survivorship Bag Supplies: Healthy snacks Hand sanitizer Refillable Water Bottles/Tumblers Hand moisturizer Soft body measuring tape Reusable Tote Bags Please send these much […]
Support Groups & Cancer
Getting the news of being diagnosed with breast cancer can be one of the hardest moments in your life. Sometimes, we even see patients find that news harder than the actual treatment process. We know and can say that attitude is the little thing that can make a big difference. However, no one said you […]
Here Are Ways To Track Side Effects From Chemo Treatment
Whenever you receive any treatment like chemotherapy, it’s best to talk to your doctor about your potential side effects. It can be difficult to remember what you have experience when some effects include fatigue and fogginess. It’s always best to talk to your doctor to adjust your treatment to ease the side effects. They could […]