Better Breakfast: Better Health
September is National Better Breakfast month. Breakfast has been coined as the most important meal of the day. Eating a good breakfast has been linked to lower levels of bad cholesterol, better memory, and concentration. Additionally, a better breakfast contributes to reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. These chronic diseases could impact your […]
Tumors: Real Life Comparisons
Make sure you schedule your screening mammogram today. Below are tumor sizes as compared to real life objects. Mammograms can detect tumors the size of a pea before they are able to be felt during a physical breast exam. Tumors are usually the size of a walnut when an individual can feel them physically. Screenings […]
Back to School: Schedule Your Screening Mammogram
August is back to school month. Before you get busy this fall, make sure to schedule your screening mammogram. Breast cancer incidence increases as an individual gets older. Women aged 45 and older should get mammograms every year. It is easy to forget and put it off when getting into the swing of school, but […]
Hair Loss – a Common Side Effect
August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month. Hair loss is a common side effect of cancer treatments and certain medications. The Bridge Breast Network provides survivorship services including free wigs for women undergoing cancer treatment. Contact The Bridge to be scheduled for a wig fitting. Wigs can cost anywhere from $50-$5,000 depending on the materials. […]
August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month
August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month. Hair loss is often a common side effect of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and stem cell transplants because in targeting the cancer cells, hair cells can sometimes be caught in the crossfire. Multiple areas of the body can be affected by the treatments causing hair loss. […]
Eat a Balanced and Healthy Diet
Eating a balanced and healthy diet and staying hydrated have so many benefits for the human body. Engaging in these behaviors can prevent many chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Basic tips include eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, less fat, less sugar, and less salt. Be sure to eat a balanced […]
Stay on Top of Your Health
As we are right in the middle of summer, it is important to keep up our exercise regimens. Regular physical activity has many benefits for the body including weight control, better sleep, more energy, and aid in preventing chronic diseases such as cancer. Stay on top of your health BEFORE problems arise by exercising. Below […]
July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month which is aimed at bringing awareness to some of the individual struggles that racial and ethnic minorities can face in terms of mental health. It is important to support the emotional and mental well-being for all, especially when faced with breast cancer or other cancers. Support your […]
Give Back by Shopping with Amazon Smile
Give back while doing your shopping on Amazon! Add The Bridge as your charitable organization by following the steps below: Sign in to on your desktop or mobile phone browser. From your desktop, go to Your Account and select the option to Change your Charity. Or, from your mobile browser, select Change your Charity from the options at the […]
June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month
June is also National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month. Fresh fruits and vegetables are key to having a healthy, sustainable diet and contribute to overall health. Eating healthy can help prevent many chronic conditions including cancer. Canned fruits and vegetables sometimes have hidden ingredients such as sodium and added sugars, so it is best to […]
Men’s Health Month – Myth of Antiperspirants
One common myth or rumor is that antiperspirants and deodorants can cause breast cancer, but there is no evidence of a link between the two. Both the American Cancer Society and National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. provide excellent information on why this is a common myth. Please visit the links below to research the topic […]
Men’s Health Month – Preventative Care is Important
For #MensHealthMonth, we would like to stress preventative care. Preventative care is important for everyone! Getting preventative services is imperative for preventing cancer and other chronic diseases. Put your best foot forward and stay healthy early. Please visit the websites listed below to see preventative care services available for adults as well as an article […]